2030 – 4 digits – 4 riders of the…

The question is, WTF???

Climate Change is used as an excuse to milk hard working people’s income to feed endless funds for hundreds if not thousands of parasitic NGOs, associations and groups. Public money is also funneled to private enterprises for the purpose of fulfilling increasingly ridiculous climate change objectives.

Gender ideology wraps itself in a neat little rainbow colored blanket of equality, diversity, tolerance, or even love, only to spew the most vile anti-family, anti-pregnancy, and anti-biology rhetoric in the history of man-kind (yes man, not person),

The Covid-19 Pandemic (also referred to by the more skeptical segment of society as “scamdmic” or “plandmic”) has proven that turning society into a bunch of aggressive zealot minions of the 2030 elite is apparently not that difficult. Anyone interested in understanding the “covidiot” syndrome should read Mattias Desmet “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”. Let me just remind my non-existent audience that Pfizer grew their revenues by 98% during 2021, when Fauci and all western governments forced society as a whole to get vaccinated or face social exile. In some cases people were in fact legally forced to get jabbed with vaccines that, as now publicly acknowledged, do not prevent sickness nor transmission. A Pfizer senior executive, Janine Small, admitted in October 2022 in an EU parliamentary enquiry that Pfizer had not tested their mRNA vaccine for transmissibility before it hit the public. Those organizations called “Fact Checkers”, like FactCheck.org, rushed to explain to everyone that this admission was a) not news, b) not a scandal, and c) vaccines were never meant to be tested for transmissibility. Apparently the fact checkers couldn’t care less that politicians, media, and health authorities told everyone, all day long, that vaccination prevented transmission, and that Covid passports would prevent the spread of the disease. Two HUGE lies designed to FORCE people to conclude that taking the experimental mRNA vaccines was unavoidable, necessary, and beneficial for them and everyone around them. It also led a good portion of society to conclude that those who didn’t want to get vaccinated, were something akin to anti-social fascist racist asymptomatic silent killing machines that deserved to be ostracized, or worse.

War continues to be the main geopolitical tool used to acquire natural resources and power. This is obvious at this time with the Ukraine conflict, where Russia invaded, NATO provoked, people are dying, and the only ones benefiting are the military-industrial-complex and their lobbyist minions, under the complicit look of EU politicians.

This short introduction is hopefully the start of a series of healthy rants about all those topics that get people de-platformed, if they have followers. I fortunately do not, so I think I can fly under the radar.

Author: Soma Times

Family, freedom, knowledge, and responsibility.

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