Musings, change, and middle ages

Not that many years ago, the idea of living in the countryside with a few chickens, pigs, vegetables and fruit trees, would have been ridiculous. A combination of age and experience has changed that. I think that in many ways living away from other people will bring peace and sanity, something we seem to be loosing rapidly in this 3rd decade of the 21st century. It’s not that I’m becoming anti-social or devolving into an eccentric isolationist. I think it’s more that I no longer have the patience for the unprecedented levels of stupidity, sheepishness, and mob mentality that plague human society, coalescing into religious fervor around several key topics.

All these topics are nicely and innocently summarized in the United Nation’s 2030 agenda, but you have to add to that the following: Digital IDs, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Currencies, and Pandemics. It’s all there, on the web, being shamefully flaunted in front of everyone, like a psychopath taking a selfie while liking a bloody knife. You might say, “man, this guy is off his rocker! What’s wrong with clean air, sustainable production methods, and healthy food?” And I would say: absolutely nothing! Unfortunately that’s not the objective of the 2030 agenda and the powers that be.

It doesn’t take much research to get you to the point where you start asking questions. Start here, and be at least willing to spend some time on it: It can be a slow process, and you must navigate this ocean of misinformation carefully, looking for information that will counterbalance or even contradict something else you just read or saw.

For example, take Klaus Schwab’s book: “Covid-19 The Great Reset”. If you’ve ventured down the rabbit hole, even just a little bit, you know that the book of the W.E.F. President is full of exaggerations, manipulated facts, misrepresentations, fear-mongering, pure speculation, all with the goal to promote the one supreme goal: supra-national global government. In section 1.3.3 “The return of big government”, Schwab writes:

“Looking to the future, governments will most likely, but with different degrees of intensity, decide that it’s in the best interest of society to rewrite some of the rules of the game and permanently increase their role.”

— COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret

The problem is that basing that statement on Covid-19 is already a fallacy, because as we already know (at least those who want to know):

  • Governments have been experimenting with “Gain of Function” research for years. Only someone very naive or gullible still believes SARS-COV-2 came from a bat stew, or a panda having intercourse with a pangolin, or something like that.
  • It was about as deadly as a flu, and yet it was used as an excuse to lock hundreds of millions of people in their homes, paralyze world economy and global supply chains, and ruin millions of businesses.
  • it served as the platform to launch mass inoculations with experimental gene-therapy (referred to as “vaccines”) that did very little or close to nothing to save lives, or prevent transmission.
  • it served as the excuse to introduce digital-IDs, the Covid passport, as a way to coerce citizens to get vaccinated, while having no demonstrable effect on preventing the spread of the disease.
  • it served as the excuse to introduce the Covid “vaccine” into children vaccination programs despite the risk to children being negligible, and despite mounting evidence of adverse effects, especially for young people.
  • Governments, media, pharma, global institutions, and a few “philanthropists” all colluded to silence dissenting voices of thousands of highly qualified scientists and medical professionals, and caused a global mass formation psychosis from which only God knows whether we will recover. I don’t know about you, but I still see people walking alone on the street with a mask on.

I don’t want to go further into the whole Covid thing because there are enough resources and books around to keep you busy asking questions for years. I’ve added a few books and links at the end of this blog that should help anyone get started reading what mainstream media will never tell you about Covid and the handling of the pandemic.

Of course, it’s not just Covid. If you ask questions about the major topics I mentioned earlier that are dominating social and mainstream media, you’re bound to be labelled with any of a number of pejorative adjectives: troll, denier, <something>phobe, fascist, racist, privileged, chauvinist, murderer, irresponsible, etc, etc, etc. Activists will of course insult you directly if you question any of the dogmas (not theories, DOGMAS) . This is is the Fanatic group. What is really sad is to realize that many people, supposedly intelligent people, would cringe at the very act of questioning, not because they personally think you’re wrong to question, but because they are terrified of being singled out as social heretics by association! This is the Sheeple group. And then you have a small group of people, usually tiny, with whom you can openly question and debate and argue and even shout, and afterwards have a beer and a laugh. This is the Rebel group.

It is wonderful to see that there are still pockets of Rebels left, not only in the media but also in the different professions related to the hot topics. Unfortunately the percentage of Sheeple seems to be growing, in the shadow of increasingly noisy Fanatics who dominate Government, Media and Institutions. I think the political class is practically a lost cause, at least in Europe. The conflict in Ukraine is making that painfully clear, if it wasn’t clear already with the Pandemic.

Anyway, a house somewhere semi-isolated, with some farm animals, fruits and vegetables is starting to sound more interesting by the day. Unfortunately one has to work for a living, so that internet connection is a must, at least until retirement, or until one manages to be (almost 100%) self-sufficient, whatever may happen first. But one must remain a pragmatic Rebel and be ready to compromise, e.g. size of land for optical fibre. I’m happy to leave dogmatism for the Fanatics to excrete, and for the Sheeple to consume, enjoy my time with other Rebels, and create some awareness whenever I have the chance.

Back to childhood

It’s fascinating how the older we grow the more we remember our childhood and the more we are drawn to the sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and places where we lived during a certain period of our life. I don’t know if this happens to everyone and I am no psychologist but I am pretty sure that it does, and that it is a very similar age range, like from 4 or 5 up to 16 or 17. It’s that 10 year bracket during which we live as children, cross the barrier into adolescence, and suffer through that difficult period where our minds are reshaping into adult minds.

Imagine walking in a park in the home town of your father, well into his 80s, and suddenly you year “as a kid I used to run around here and throw stones at the pigeons…”, or a little further at the edge of the park, looking at a school on the other side of the street, you hear “that classroom in the corner was my maths classroom, and that one on the top floor was where we had the lab, which of course we never used because we didn’t really have anything.” A little later you pass an old store/restaurant with an inside courtyard and a very unpretentious entrance, and the comment is “I used to come here with my father to buy wine”. The following day, on the way to the train station, you hear “my father used to go every weekend to a bar over there to meet his friends.” On the one hand it fills you with wonder and you realize that this eighty something year old person was once a kid, ran around, played with friends, did stuff with his parents, and probably did a few naughty things every now and then. The other side of the coin is a sadness. Sadness you cannot shake because somehow you know instinctively that the end of the road is up ahead, maybe years ahead still, but somehow in sight.

More than 80 years on this earth, having lived through emigration, studies, love, marriage, travels, multiple jobs, multiple countries, children, a dictatorship, then democracy, but at a certain point you are mostly drawn first to your childhood, followed by meeting your wife and your child’s first years. I think this is the biggest proof of how profound and impactful those years are in people’s lives. They stick with you all through life till the very end. You may forget vacations, birthdays, office parties, or whatever. But you don’t forget those special moments when you were a kid. And sometimes they didn’t have to be special, but they burrow deep into your soul and stay there, like a moment that somehow represents you as a person, who you are, underneath all the superficial stuff.

This might be an unexpected ending to the blog, but my point here is that it is DURING THESE SPECIAL YEARS, that the gender ideology lobby want to swoop in and confuse the crap out of 99,9% of the children, by questioning things that the vast majority of children don’t even think about, just so the lobby can feel more comfortable about themselves, and criminalize everyone who questions their very questionable! Normalizing a problem doesn’t make it go away, if anything it makes it worse.

Remember 2015?

Financial Times 17 February 2023

In 2015 it was the war in Syria. ISIS was born thanks to the help of some western powers that wanted to overthrow the Syrian government as part of the continued effort to reign chaos wherever possible in Northern Africa and the Middle East and let Europe take the brunt of the fallout, be it in the shape of “lone wolves” driving trucks into Christmas markets, or massive waves of economic migrants riding on the exploited backs of real suffering refugees.

1.5 Million “refugees” arrived in Germany that year, sparking a continuous raise of, well, integration issues. Now we might have a similar situation with the poor people of the Ukraine, caught in the shameful geopolitical threeway between the US, Russia, and the Ukranian oligarchs (not that muppet Zelenskyy). By the way, I did catch that recent video of Zelenskyy sniffing and sniffling over and over during a press conference, and I’m sorry to say, I think there may be Peruvian marching powder involved.

So here we are in 2023 and Europe is once again going to take the brunt of nearby conflicts and absorb another wave of refugees. And once again, due to a conflict that Putin may have taken to the next step, but that was started with the US’s shameful involvement in the Maidan and the 2014 coup in Ukraine.

I’m no fan of Putin, and I’m no fan of the Chinese regime, but the US is no better, if not worse, when it comes to foreign policy. The only difference is that the US walks around with a despicable air of arrogance, and waving the banner of the king of democracy while they prod, push, manipulate, intervene, and provoke anything and everything that will give them a geopolitical edge. It is that HYPOCRISY that I find absolutely repulsive.