Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…

Just when I thought it was the socialists who were at the forefront of major league corruption in-your-face, the following comes up: http://tinyurl.com/ba4g226. Sorry, it is in Spanish, but let me summarise for you what is being said in the media. The former treasurer of the Partido Popular gave extra pays to party officials with black money. The not so important people would get 5,000 Euro a month, the bigger fish 10,000, and the VIPs 15,000. This black money apparently came from pay-offs from companies and individuals, I presume to gain favour with the party. This seems to have gone on for 20 years, the time Mr. Bárcenas was the treasurer. It is not yet clear how many people benefited from this practice, but I’m pretty sure it’s worth a few hospitals, schools and percentage points on the measly pensions many elderly spaniards suffer. The only thing the PP can do now is come clean, although I believe everyone shares the suspicion that what follows now is what usually follows in Spain with big corruption scandals like this one: a few months of news, maybe the start of a trial not directly related to the scandal and certainly not involving anyone really important, and then nothing. Spain is now nothing more than a banana republic with a king. The banana republic is a corrupt self-serving oligarchic regime, and the king sits around doing nothing when he’s not killing elephants in Botswana.

Spain is in an awful state

Riddled by corruption, in a dreadful economic state, and drowning in hoards of useless politicians that live like kings and will do anything and everything to retain all their ill-deserved privileges. This is what Spain is since former socialist prime minister Zapatero was voted into power largely thanks to the March 11th terrorist attack in 2004. The socialist party, orchestrated by the shady Mr. Rubalcaba, managed to convince the gullible Spanish citizenry that the attack was carried out by Islamists in retaliation for Spain’s involvement in the Iraq conflict. Years later that is still to be proven, and even worse, it has come to light that the inquest was a compete fiasco with more holes than a Swiss cheese, that false evidence was planted, witnesses bought, and the police lied about the nature of the explosives in order to move suspicion away from ETA, the Basque terrorist group. To this day it is still not known who is responsible. But it was enough to put the socialists in the government and trigger 8 years of disastrously incompetent mismanagement by Zapatero and his merry band of idiots. During this time, the Catalan separatists, who are prone to invent their history to justify their power hungry delusions, managed to extort funds out of the central government like never before. During this period the level of moral, political and judicial corruption reached new heights. Unfortunately, Mr. Rajoy, the new conservative prime minister since late 2011, has fallen very short on his voter’s expectations. Yes, he’s taken a few measures to fix the economy, but nothing that would endanger politicians’ privileged way of life, reduce the humongous size of the government, give independence back to the judiciary, or tackle corruption and ridiculous separatist claims from Catalans and Basques. Where Spain will end up I do not know, but people are really tired of all this and sooner or later someone will finally loose whatever remaining patience they had.