The Globalist Agenda

Has the time come? Is it us or them? There seems to be enough evidence that we’re at that dangerous point. Maybe we have been there for quite some time. In fact some would argue that we’ve been there for around 50 to 70 years. Tic-Toc videos with young people crying because they have been “misgendered”, climate emergency all around us, white people being blamed for any part of history that can be used as an excuse for misbehavior in the present, geopolitical games financed and suffered by normal citizens, continuous talk about the “next pandemic”, thousands of farmers (NL) threatened with loosing their livelihoods in order to “save the planet”, gender “reaffirming” surgery becoming a billion dollar industry, artificial meat and bugs being promoted as the resilient and eco-friendly thing to do… To all that I can only say FUCK OFF! Unfortunately that doesn’t magically turn into a solution. A solution would be really complicated. How do you cut through the massive web of politicians, industrialists, bankers, intelligence, and mafia that has been pushing buttons for hundreds of years?….I think I’ll leave it there today. It’s a big question.