The alphabet lobby disgusts me

It’s relentless. Everywhere in social media, video after video of people obviously confused about who they are, or much worse, fucking degenerates (I cannot refer to them in any other way) offering their gender counseling services to children. Day after day, everywhere, targeting children with sexually explicit “children’s books”, that I honestly believe must be either written by pedophiles or by people with no scruples whatsoever. Bombarding children with gay, lesbian, trans, sex, swinging, and other things clearly intent on sexualizing them. Driven and promoted by fucking pedophiles, and allowed by a society of cowards.

We just started “Pride Month”, another month of gay proselitism, promotion of child genital mutilation, and the normalization of a mental disorder called Gender Dysphoria. It’s hard to understand how this is good in any way, except for whoever is behind it.

This is not about being gay or lesbian, or confused. There’s always been gay people and there will always be. But that’s not about that, no one cares anymore whether you are gay or not. This is about targeting the children, and that’s a line they should not have crossed.

There are gay groups in social media that are denouncing all this and insisting that they are not represented by the lobby and the madness, but I’m afraid they are barely visible. One is tempted to conclude that the world elite, in media, academia, government, etc are riddled with pedophiles. I cannot find another reasonable explanation for this gender ideology predatory obsession with children, and how it is protected and coddled by the ruling classes.

I was going to post a few examples of what I mean, but what’s the point, just open twitter and before long you’ll be confronted with some confused person crying, or a video that will make you (a normal person) feel like vomiting, with some transvestite doing a disgusting sexual dance in front of a child, under the idiotic look of parents, groomers, or whatever these mentally retarded degenerates are that allow such repulsive spectacles.

Luckily my child is now grown up, and just as repulsed as I am at the sight of these things. But the dramatic increase in “trans” cases is not because they’ve been in the closet for millions of years! It’s because young minds are VERY easily influenced and indoctrination is rampant in school and academia. Kids are already confused enough during puberty. Add some pedo asshole telling them that gender and sex are some completely different things, and that there are dozens of genders, and youngsters will jump on that bandwagon even it it’s just to piss off their parents!

This has to stop. These people have to be stopped. Parents, investigate your schools, investigate the materials they give your children, every single event they organize, every single guest speaker, every teacher, every school director, ask your children every day what they did, and most importantly EDUCATE your children in family values, tolerance, and respect, BUT not ignoring biology, as the gender fascists do. There is a reality, and the alphabet lobby wants to cut children’s link to it so they are more easily manipulated. Fuck the alphabet lobby and their abhorrent pedo-goals!

The Globalist Agenda

Has the time come? Is it us or them? There seems to be enough evidence that we’re at that dangerous point. Maybe we have been there for quite some time. In fact some would argue that we’ve been there for around 50 to 70 years. Tic-Toc videos with young people crying because they have been “misgendered”, climate emergency all around us, white people being blamed for any part of history that can be used as an excuse for misbehavior in the present, geopolitical games financed and suffered by normal citizens, continuous talk about the “next pandemic”, thousands of farmers (NL) threatened with loosing their livelihoods in order to “save the planet”, gender “reaffirming” surgery becoming a billion dollar industry, artificial meat and bugs being promoted as the resilient and eco-friendly thing to do… To all that I can only say FUCK OFF! Unfortunately that doesn’t magically turn into a solution. A solution would be really complicated. How do you cut through the massive web of politicians, industrialists, bankers, intelligence, and mafia that has been pushing buttons for hundreds of years?….I think I’ll leave it there today. It’s a big question.

Musings, change, and middle ages

Not that many years ago, the idea of living in the countryside with a few chickens, pigs, vegetables and fruit trees, would have been ridiculous. A combination of age and experience has changed that. I think that in many ways living away from other people will bring peace and sanity, something we seem to be loosing rapidly in this 3rd decade of the 21st century. It’s not that I’m becoming anti-social or devolving into an eccentric isolationist. I think it’s more that I no longer have the patience for the unprecedented levels of stupidity, sheepishness, and mob mentality that plague human society, coalescing into religious fervor around several key topics.

All these topics are nicely and innocently summarized in the United Nation’s 2030 agenda, but you have to add to that the following: Digital IDs, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Currencies, and Pandemics. It’s all there, on the web, being shamefully flaunted in front of everyone, like a psychopath taking a selfie while liking a bloody knife. You might say, “man, this guy is off his rocker! What’s wrong with clean air, sustainable production methods, and healthy food?” And I would say: absolutely nothing! Unfortunately that’s not the objective of the 2030 agenda and the powers that be.

It doesn’t take much research to get you to the point where you start asking questions. Start here, and be at least willing to spend some time on it: It can be a slow process, and you must navigate this ocean of misinformation carefully, looking for information that will counterbalance or even contradict something else you just read or saw.

For example, take Klaus Schwab’s book: “Covid-19 The Great Reset”. If you’ve ventured down the rabbit hole, even just a little bit, you know that the book of the W.E.F. President is full of exaggerations, manipulated facts, misrepresentations, fear-mongering, pure speculation, all with the goal to promote the one supreme goal: supra-national global government. In section 1.3.3 “The return of big government”, Schwab writes:

“Looking to the future, governments will most likely, but with different degrees of intensity, decide that it’s in the best interest of society to rewrite some of the rules of the game and permanently increase their role.”

— COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret

The problem is that basing that statement on Covid-19 is already a fallacy, because as we already know (at least those who want to know):

  • Governments have been experimenting with “Gain of Function” research for years. Only someone very naive or gullible still believes SARS-COV-2 came from a bat stew, or a panda having intercourse with a pangolin, or something like that.
  • It was about as deadly as a flu, and yet it was used as an excuse to lock hundreds of millions of people in their homes, paralyze world economy and global supply chains, and ruin millions of businesses.
  • it served as the platform to launch mass inoculations with experimental gene-therapy (referred to as “vaccines”) that did very little or close to nothing to save lives, or prevent transmission.
  • it served as the excuse to introduce digital-IDs, the Covid passport, as a way to coerce citizens to get vaccinated, while having no demonstrable effect on preventing the spread of the disease.
  • it served as the excuse to introduce the Covid “vaccine” into children vaccination programs despite the risk to children being negligible, and despite mounting evidence of adverse effects, especially for young people.
  • Governments, media, pharma, global institutions, and a few “philanthropists” all colluded to silence dissenting voices of thousands of highly qualified scientists and medical professionals, and caused a global mass formation psychosis from which only God knows whether we will recover. I don’t know about you, but I still see people walking alone on the street with a mask on.

I don’t want to go further into the whole Covid thing because there are enough resources and books around to keep you busy asking questions for years. I’ve added a few books and links at the end of this blog that should help anyone get started reading what mainstream media will never tell you about Covid and the handling of the pandemic.

Of course, it’s not just Covid. If you ask questions about the major topics I mentioned earlier that are dominating social and mainstream media, you’re bound to be labelled with any of a number of pejorative adjectives: troll, denier, <something>phobe, fascist, racist, privileged, chauvinist, murderer, irresponsible, etc, etc, etc. Activists will of course insult you directly if you question any of the dogmas (not theories, DOGMAS) . This is is the Fanatic group. What is really sad is to realize that many people, supposedly intelligent people, would cringe at the very act of questioning, not because they personally think you’re wrong to question, but because they are terrified of being singled out as social heretics by association! This is the Sheeple group. And then you have a small group of people, usually tiny, with whom you can openly question and debate and argue and even shout, and afterwards have a beer and a laugh. This is the Rebel group.

It is wonderful to see that there are still pockets of Rebels left, not only in the media but also in the different professions related to the hot topics. Unfortunately the percentage of Sheeple seems to be growing, in the shadow of increasingly noisy Fanatics who dominate Government, Media and Institutions. I think the political class is practically a lost cause, at least in Europe. The conflict in Ukraine is making that painfully clear, if it wasn’t clear already with the Pandemic.

Anyway, a house somewhere semi-isolated, with some farm animals, fruits and vegetables is starting to sound more interesting by the day. Unfortunately one has to work for a living, so that internet connection is a must, at least until retirement, or until one manages to be (almost 100%) self-sufficient, whatever may happen first. But one must remain a pragmatic Rebel and be ready to compromise, e.g. size of land for optical fibre. I’m happy to leave dogmatism for the Fanatics to excrete, and for the Sheeple to consume, enjoy my time with other Rebels, and create some awareness whenever I have the chance.

Back to childhood

It’s fascinating how the older we grow the more we remember our childhood and the more we are drawn to the sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and places where we lived during a certain period of our life. I don’t know if this happens to everyone and I am no psychologist but I am pretty sure that it does, and that it is a very similar age range, like from 4 or 5 up to 16 or 17. It’s that 10 year bracket during which we live as children, cross the barrier into adolescence, and suffer through that difficult period where our minds are reshaping into adult minds.

Imagine walking in a park in the home town of your father, well into his 80s, and suddenly you year “as a kid I used to run around here and throw stones at the pigeons…”, or a little further at the edge of the park, looking at a school on the other side of the street, you hear “that classroom in the corner was my maths classroom, and that one on the top floor was where we had the lab, which of course we never used because we didn’t really have anything.” A little later you pass an old store/restaurant with an inside courtyard and a very unpretentious entrance, and the comment is “I used to come here with my father to buy wine”. The following day, on the way to the train station, you hear “my father used to go every weekend to a bar over there to meet his friends.” On the one hand it fills you with wonder and you realize that this eighty something year old person was once a kid, ran around, played with friends, did stuff with his parents, and probably did a few naughty things every now and then. The other side of the coin is a sadness. Sadness you cannot shake because somehow you know instinctively that the end of the road is up ahead, maybe years ahead still, but somehow in sight.

More than 80 years on this earth, having lived through emigration, studies, love, marriage, travels, multiple jobs, multiple countries, children, a dictatorship, then democracy, but at a certain point you are mostly drawn first to your childhood, followed by meeting your wife and your child’s first years. I think this is the biggest proof of how profound and impactful those years are in people’s lives. They stick with you all through life till the very end. You may forget vacations, birthdays, office parties, or whatever. But you don’t forget those special moments when you were a kid. And sometimes they didn’t have to be special, but they burrow deep into your soul and stay there, like a moment that somehow represents you as a person, who you are, underneath all the superficial stuff.

This might be an unexpected ending to the blog, but my point here is that it is DURING THESE SPECIAL YEARS, that the gender ideology lobby want to swoop in and confuse the crap out of 99,9% of the children, by questioning things that the vast majority of children don’t even think about, just so the lobby can feel more comfortable about themselves, and criminalize everyone who questions their very questionable! Normalizing a problem doesn’t make it go away, if anything it makes it worse.

Remember 2015?

Financial Times 17 February 2023

In 2015 it was the war in Syria. ISIS was born thanks to the help of some western powers that wanted to overthrow the Syrian government as part of the continued effort to reign chaos wherever possible in Northern Africa and the Middle East and let Europe take the brunt of the fallout, be it in the shape of “lone wolves” driving trucks into Christmas markets, or massive waves of economic migrants riding on the exploited backs of real suffering refugees.

1.5 Million “refugees” arrived in Germany that year, sparking a continuous raise of, well, integration issues. Now we might have a similar situation with the poor people of the Ukraine, caught in the shameful geopolitical threeway between the US, Russia, and the Ukranian oligarchs (not that muppet Zelenskyy). By the way, I did catch that recent video of Zelenskyy sniffing and sniffling over and over during a press conference, and I’m sorry to say, I think there may be Peruvian marching powder involved.

So here we are in 2023 and Europe is once again going to take the brunt of nearby conflicts and absorb another wave of refugees. And once again, due to a conflict that Putin may have taken to the next step, but that was started with the US’s shameful involvement in the Maidan and the 2014 coup in Ukraine.

I’m no fan of Putin, and I’m no fan of the Chinese regime, but the US is no better, if not worse, when it comes to foreign policy. The only difference is that the US walks around with a despicable air of arrogance, and waving the banner of the king of democracy while they prod, push, manipulate, intervene, and provoke anything and everything that will give them a geopolitical edge. It is that HYPOCRISY that I find absolutely repulsive.

Covid-pass impact on cases: example from the Spanish region of Catalonia

Produced on January 4th 2022. Based on charts from the Spanish Centro Nacional de Epidemiología (National Epidemiological Center)

The Spanish “Centro Nacional de Epidemiología” (National Center of Epidemiology) offers interesting information. Limited, but interesting. For example, it allows you to dig into the number of cases per region or province. One of the limitations is that I have not found a way to display data for all age groups and I can only get the +60 group. Still, since this is without doubt the most susceptible group, I still think this brief analysis is relevant.

Based on two news articles in Catalonian media, one can ascertain the start and end of the covid-pass mandate that the regional government ordered in order to supposedly combat the expected avalanche of OMICRON cases. The mandate, applicable to bars, restaurants, gyms, clubs, etc. , and which forces people to show the corresponding QR code as proof that you have been a good boy and have obeyed the orders given by 2030 agenda minions or other victims of mass formation psychosis, by allowing yourself to be injected multiple times with experimental gene-therapy.

As can be seen on the graph, the covid-pass mandate started on November 26th 2021, and ended on January 28th 2022. Again, there are two ways of interpreting this graph and the exponential increase in reported covid cases:

  1. It could have been a lot worse: this is the unprovable favorite of the covidian minions. Thanks to the covid-pass, the spread of the virus was held in check, otherwise it would have expanded potentially beyond the confines of our solar system. Of course I’m being facetious, but many out there would happily subscribe to this theory, and despite the complete lack of proof, gleefully throw their liberties down the toilet in favor of mass formation ovine compliance.
  2. The mandates had no effect: also unquantifiable, and just as believable as option 1. So here we’re in the realm of belief. However, here there is another factor to consider. Since most countries had or were reaching maximum vaccination levels at this stage, the increase points to several observational conclusions:
    a) The existing vaccines do nothing to prevent transmission,
    b) The existing vaccines do very little to prevent contracting the disease.

Given the absence of proof to the contrary, in my view the Covid-Pass is a useless measure designed to force people to get jabbed with stuff that doesn’t really work, and whose side effects are not well understood, to control an illness that was already known to be not significantly worse than the flu. Once again, it’s all about politics and scientism.

Excess Mortality Rate vs Covid Vaccination (I)

Pandemic Excess mortality rate in Spain until September 2022

I put this chart together in September 2022. It is based on official Spanish excess mortality and vaccination statistics from the web site Our World in Data, and the dates for the “Ola” or Covid waves I took from the Spanish daily El Diario de Sevilla.

The big red vertical line over Feb 24, 2021, is meant to mark the approximate start of the vaccination campaign in Spain. The red curve marked “Tasa de vacunación completa” indicates the progress of Covid 19 vaccination, meaning 2 shots (so no boosters counted), with a few bubbles indicating the % of fully vaccinated Spaniards. The blue arrows showing “Ola 1” to “Ola 6” are the alleged Covid 19 waves. And the wiggly chart with all the data points is the excess mortality curve. Though the vaccination curve has been manually added to the excess mortality curve, it is based on the Our World in Data vaccination progress chart for Spain. I have not had the time to update the chart completely, but have checked the excess mortality curve and it is still oscillating around the same approximate average as the chart above.

I put this chart together to hopefully confirm an obvious correlation between vaccination progress and excess mortality.

Looking and the ups and downs of the excess mortality curve from the start of the vaccination campaign until September 2022 (more or less) one could draw an average around the 10% mark. Before the vaccination there are clearly two peaks that appear to coincide quite obviously with the first two Covid 19 waves, with lows reaching 0% in both cases. For waves 3 to 6, after vaccination started, the peaks are pretty unclear, and for wave 4 there is practically no peak to speak of.

You could draw a downward trend from the peak of Wave 2 all the way to Wave 6, but that could hardly be explained by vaccination progress. It could just as easily be explained by the lower mortality rate of every new Covid variant. However, if you only take the waves that occurred when vaccination had already started, it is very difficult to conclude that there is a downward trend associated with an increasing % of fully vaccinated population. Why is this the case? Here are some speculative conclusions, all just as valid by looking at the graph.

1. Excess mortality has been contained thanks to the vaccines. This is something Pfizer or Fauci would be saying, or your next door neighbor, the one that goes to the toilette with a mask on. It is also very typical of the Covidianist “logic”, the it-would-have-been-worse argument. Is this plausible? Maybe. Is it demonstrated? Definitely not. Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish prime-minister (and prime-moron) declared to have saved 450.000 Spaniards from death, thanks to his (mis)management of the Covid pandemic. Of course, he is never ever going to prove that, but I’m sure plenty people eagerly drank from his mystical Covidian elixir.

2. Excess mortality has not been reduced because of Long Covid. Again, something I can imagine in the official script, but for which there is no evidence. Long Covid was something mentioned frequently by the media during 2021, but during 2022 it has lost some of the speculative shine, probably because drawing attention to it would get horribly confused with the vaccine adverse effects authorities are working hard to ignore.

3. Excess mortality has not been reduced because the vaccines don’t make a significant difference. This would certainly not be part of the official script, but in my honest opinion is the most likely conclusion. Can I prove it? No. But then again, neither have 1. or 2. been proven and it is NOT my responsibility to prove that a vaccine works and that it is safe, so as long as that is open for debate, and based on everything that has happened (and not happened, censored, hidden, lied about, etc), this option is the one I am choosing to be the most probable explanation for the chart above.

Maybe one of this years someone will give me the final, proven, unquestionable interpretation. I did put this to a medical doctor I know and he could not explain it, or perhaps, like so many in the medical profession, he preferred not to say what he really thinks (i.e. 3.)

2030 – 4 digits – 4 riders of the…

The question is, WTF???

Climate Change is used as an excuse to milk hard working people’s income to feed endless funds for hundreds if not thousands of parasitic NGOs, associations and groups. Public money is also funneled to private enterprises for the purpose of fulfilling increasingly ridiculous climate change objectives.

Gender ideology wraps itself in a neat little rainbow colored blanket of equality, diversity, tolerance, or even love, only to spew the most vile anti-family, anti-pregnancy, and anti-biology rhetoric in the history of man-kind (yes man, not person),

The Covid-19 Pandemic (also referred to by the more skeptical segment of society as “scamdmic” or “plandmic”) has proven that turning society into a bunch of aggressive zealot minions of the 2030 elite is apparently not that difficult. Anyone interested in understanding the “covidiot” syndrome should read Mattias Desmet “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”. Let me just remind my non-existent audience that Pfizer grew their revenues by 98% during 2021, when Fauci and all western governments forced society as a whole to get vaccinated or face social exile. In some cases people were in fact legally forced to get jabbed with vaccines that, as now publicly acknowledged, do not prevent sickness nor transmission. A Pfizer senior executive, Janine Small, admitted in October 2022 in an EU parliamentary enquiry that Pfizer had not tested their mRNA vaccine for transmissibility before it hit the public. Those organizations called “Fact Checkers”, like, rushed to explain to everyone that this admission was a) not news, b) not a scandal, and c) vaccines were never meant to be tested for transmissibility. Apparently the fact checkers couldn’t care less that politicians, media, and health authorities told everyone, all day long, that vaccination prevented transmission, and that Covid passports would prevent the spread of the disease. Two HUGE lies designed to FORCE people to conclude that taking the experimental mRNA vaccines was unavoidable, necessary, and beneficial for them and everyone around them. It also led a good portion of society to conclude that those who didn’t want to get vaccinated, were something akin to anti-social fascist racist asymptomatic silent killing machines that deserved to be ostracized, or worse.

War continues to be the main geopolitical tool used to acquire natural resources and power. This is obvious at this time with the Ukraine conflict, where Russia invaded, NATO provoked, people are dying, and the only ones benefiting are the military-industrial-complex and their lobbyist minions, under the complicit look of EU politicians.

This short introduction is hopefully the start of a series of healthy rants about all those topics that get people de-platformed, if they have followers. I fortunately do not, so I think I can fly under the radar.

Why would socialism do this?

In a recent debate on Facebook among acquaintances, someone posted this meme in an attempt to defend socialism. To be honest I’m not really sure what the meme is trying to say. Is it that Socialism would have flourished in these 6 countries were it not for US intervention? Or is the proposition that Socialism is so benign and charitable that it would never resort to Coups? Ok, let’s have a look at these countries first:

– Vietnam: indeed the US invasion was in response to the threat of advancing communism in the region. The US lost the war and a communist regime took over both north and south Vietnam, implementing a collectivisation program. The economy started a steady and sustained climb in GDP after reforms started in 1986 to transition from a centralised economy to market-driven economy.

– Venezuela: the last coup was instigated by Hugo Chávez, who was later pardoned and went on to win a presidential election. He then began a process of nationalisation of industries and property expropriation, socialist style. He did pour a lot of public money into social programs and was quite loved by the people at least during the 1st half of his term as President. Unfortunately he never changed the 90% dependency on oil for exports, which hit hard when the oil boom vanished. US first imposed sanctions in May 2018 so sanctions are certainly no excuse for the disastrous free-fall the economy is in with 1.000.000% inflation at the moment. About 1 year ago, the obvious shortages in supermarkets, and the long queues were explained by the communist party in Spain with the following logic: “people are so wealthy that supply simply cannot keep up…”

– Cuba: I partly agree that US sanctions did not help, but to blame a country’s fate on external influences instead of the dreadful and oppressive mismanagement of their leaders for 60 years is bizarre. The Castros implemented a communist regime based on purely ideological principles with the support of Moscow, ignoring the importance of commercial routes in its own region, and openly antagonising the US, who could have been a key trading partner and a source of wealth for the people of Cuba. But no, it was more important to stick to the “revolution” which brought absolutely no benefit to anyone except Castro and his family. Castro’s son has one of those yachts only billionaires can afford, I wonder how he managed that…Cuba is currently reforming its constitution, but a quick glance shows that not much is going to change. I quote Article 20 of the new constitution draft (my translation from Spanish): “The Republic of Cuba is governed by an economic system based on the socialist property, by all the people, of the basic means of production, as the fundamental type of property, and the planned management of the economy, that regulates the market based on the needs of society.” – Here I need to refer to my previous post about “why socialism doesn’t work”.

– Brazil…Brazil is not a socialist country, it’s the 8th largest economy in the world, it is working to reduce government spending and facilitate foreign investment. It’s hard to know how the coup in the 1960s, indeed backed by the US, really influenced the overall trajectory of the country, but it’s certainly not doing badly now (compare with Venezuela).

– Guatemala: yes, the coup allegedly instigated by the US (1950s) took place 70 years ago, which in turn instigated a civil war that lasted almost 40 years, fought (of course) by communist rebels as opposing force allegedly fighting for “freedom”. Since the peace accord was signed in 1996 GDP has grown by a factor of 5 thanks to foreign investment and macroeconomic stability.

– Chile: Yes, the Pinochet issue. Very simple, it was either a Communist regime and potentially another Cuba, or Pinochet. If I were the US I would also have supported Pinochet. And by the way, Chile is a bit of the “golden boy” of South America these days. GDP growth is excellent and it enjoys a high level of economic freedom and international trade openness.

If we now turn our attention to the soviet block, the USSR, the first thing to notice is that it no longer exists. It was around for 70 years and was made up of 15 republics, all “persuaded” to join, 300 million people (1991), and it was run as a communist state, a dictatorship of the proletariat. The 70 year experiment started by Lenin and then consolidated by Stalin left behind around 40 million victims, from famine, gulags, genocides, and persecutions. Let’s not forget that in addition to the USSR as such, we also have all the satellite countries that belonged to the eastern block, and were basically told to join the Warsaw pact, or else. I mean of course Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany (Democratic haha Republic of Germany), Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, and I’m sure I forget a few. Talk about imperialism! This group was held tightly together by Moscow, a very good example of which would be the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 when a reformist was first elected leader of the communist party. Moscow could not tolerate any reforms so they sent the tanks in. As we all know the whole thing came crashing down as Moscow’s grip on satellite states and it’s economy were collapsing simultaneously.

Obviously it’s all sinners when it comes to geopolitical powers influencing other countries and trying to steer them in a direction beneficial to them. The only difference is that market economy and democracy haven’t failed abysmally, whereas socialism has.

Not sure where I was going with all this, but there it is, some more food for thought.

Why Socialism doesn’t work

First let me outline roughly what I mean by Socialism so we set a benchmark:

  • The economy is centrally driven by the State, who defines production plans for all areas of industry.
  • All methods of production are owned by the State, i.e. there is no profit-based private enterprise.
  • There is no private property to speak of.
  • Individual rights are subordinate to the aspirations of the collective.
  • The State (government if you will) is there to ensure equality by the appropriate redistribution of wealth.

From my point of view there are some intrinsic flaws that over time develop into scarcity, poverty, and in fact an even larger inequality between the rich and the poor because the Socialism has the indelible effect of decimating the middle class. First and perhaps foremost, equality of outcome is not the same as equality of opportunity. Socialism „forces“ equality of outcome, but as we well know, we are not all equal.

A state-run economy where all methods of production (i.e. industry) are state owned, to ensure there is no „profit“ or competition, to ensure everyone’s equal, and all wealth is redistributed equally, also means that effort, quality, drive, intelligence, talent, and responsibility are not fundamentally rewarded. These are individual rights, needs, or desires that are subordinate to the national economic production plan. As a human being, where is the incentive to do better or to innovate, if the outcome will be diluted into the collective? Also from a psychological point of view, what is the point of making an effort if redistribution of wealth will ensure you get your part, like everyone else, regardless of whether you work hard or not?

The more centralised and state controlled the economy is, and the more state owned methods of production are, the larger the state apparatus becomes, i.e. the larger the bureaucracy. The larger the bureaucracy the slower, inflexible and opaque to the citizenry it becomes and the more corruption kicks-in. We see this in all communist countries, where the party elite are on one side of the social spectrum, and then you have the rest of society living off the good will of the elite. Also, for a long term centralised economic plan to work, the longer the state needs stability to implement its „policies“, which is one of the main reasons why Socialism and democracy are not really compatible. Democracy, accountability to the people, is far to chaotic for a monolithic centralised economic operation that wants to control everything.

This overall slow, inflexible, inward looking, corrupt, bureaucratic state managed and owned economy, where slowly but surely individual ambitions of the party elite, combined with rampant incompetence through the inevitable nepotism, lead to poor planning. It begins with some surplus of production here and some shortages there, but as the supply chain degrades, lack of accountability, corruption, and incompetence cannot prevent further degradation of the supply chain. Shortages start by being supplemented through black market trafficking, but black market pricing has a tendency to raise quickly because demand is not met with the necessary supply, as that demand is not aligned with the centralised state plans, or the parallel black market production is also controlled by the same officials that control the “legal” supply chain. Eventually shortages become critical, i.e. scarcity.

I think we’ve all seen pictures of the 50s, 60s or 70s, before the Berlin wall fell, of empty supermarkets in the Soviet Union, East Germany, etc. when pictures managed to be smuggled out by some brave soul risking his or her life. And that is the other ugly aspect of Socialism, or Communism specifically in this case. Failure to achieve all those wonderful things communist leaders always promise but never achieve, can lead to popular uprisings, which is why Socialism/Communism has always been characterised (along with its cousins Nazism and Fascism) by draconian media control, silencing of dissenting opinions, and often worse.

Granted, Capitalism is not perfect, and if you take it too far by removing any kind of government based safety net for the less fortunate members of society, you will get a purely profit driven heartless society. But we all know Capitalism has never been that extreme, while Socialism has. It is thanks to Capitalism that the poverty line has been rising. It is thanks to Free Market Economy that the middle class has never been so widespread or affluent. It is also true that the rich have never been so rich, but hey, I don’t care how rich someone is as long as I also have the opportunity to get there if I’m smart enough and if I work hard enough. The democracies we enjoy in the west today are all Free Market Economy based, i.e. capitalist, with varying degrees of state sponsored welfare. None of them are Socialist.

Socialism doesn’t work.

Recommended reading:
– Karl Marx: Das Kapital
– Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations